Bucharest is seventh in the Top 10 most congested cities in the world

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Heavily congested traffic in Bucharest

Romanian capital, Bucharest, sits in seventh place in the Top 10 most congested cities in the world, and fourth place in Europe, based on Tom Tom Traffic Index.

The travel for a 10 km distance in Bucharest takes up to 27 min 20 s. A driver in the Romanian capital spends 277 hours in rush hour per year at an average speed of about 17 km/h. The worst day to travel through Bucharest in 2022 was March 1st, with an average travel time to drive 10 km of 35 min 10 seconds.

London is the most congested city in the world with an average travel time per 10 km of 36 min 20 s. Bengaluru (India) is second, Dublin third, and Sapporo (Japan), Milan, Pune (India), Lima, Manila, and Bogota complete the Top 10. Paris (11) and Rome (12) are outside this top.

Covering 390 cities across 56 countries on 6 continents, the TomTom Traffic Index measures cities around the world by their travel time, fuel costs, and CO2 emissions, providing free access to city-by-city information.