Over 120.000 Ukrainians applied for temporary protection permits in Romania

2 Min Read
Photo by Matti Karstedt: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-kid-protesting-against-the-war-in-ukraine-11284549/

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, on February 24, 2022, the Romanian General Immigration Inspectorate issued 122,287 temporary protection permits.

In the last week, the Romanian immigration police issued 1,575 such permits. Also, 4,401 Ukrainian citizens have applied for asylum in Romania, one in the last week.

Can enjoy temporary protection in Romania all Ukrainian citizens who lived in Ukraine before 24 February 2022, regardless of when they left Ukraine, as well as their family members.

Also, the same rights apply to all non-Ukrainian third country nationals or stateless persons who benefited from international protection or equivalent national protection in Ukraine and non-Ukrainian third-country nationals or stateless persons who prove that they have legal residence in Ukraine based on a valid permanent residence permit issued in accordance with Ukrainian law.

Registration as a beneficiary of temporary protection in Romania is a very simple procedure carried out by the General Inspectorate for Immigration and after that you receive a residence permit on the territory of Romania and a personal identification number (cod numeric personal).

Temporary protection lasted until 4 March 2023 but it can be renewed for two consecutive periods of 6 months each, meaning until 4 March 2024. This period may be extended for another year depending on the situation in Ukraine.

A temporary protection permit gives access to a residence in Romania, to the labor market, necessary assistance for subsistence, free primary health care and appropriate treatment, emergency hospital care, medical assistance and free treatment in case of acute or chronic illnesses or access to education.

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