PSD-PNL alliance got the biggest share of votes at the elections for the European Parliament

The PSD (Socialist Democratic Party) – PNL (National Liberal Party) Alliance got 48.65% of the total votes in the elections for the European Parliament. Nationalist Party AUR ranked second, with 14.95% of the votes.

Alianta Dreapta Unita (The Right Alliance) got 8,64% of total votes, Hungarian minority party UDMR got 6,52%, extremist party SOS Romania registered 5,04% of total votes, REPER – 3.67%, and independent candidate Stefanuta Nicolae got 3,06% of votes.

The data is provided following the centralization of 19,717 polling stations out of 19,870. A total of 8,888,307 votes were registered, from which 486,731 were declared invalid.

A total of 9,439,644 voters turned out at the polls, of whom 8,711,414 were registered on the permanent electoral rolls, 28,519 on the copies of the special electoral rolls, and 699,711 on the supplementary electoral rolls.

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