Foreign investments in Romania surpassed the ten billion euros mark in 2022

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Direct investments of non-residents in Romania rose by 33.37% in 2022, to 10.698 billion euros, compared to 8.021 billion euros in the previous year, according to The Romanian National Bank data.

Capital subscriptions (including estimated net reinvested profit) totaled a net value of 7.924 billion euros, and intragroup loans recorded a net value of 2.774 billion euros.

The number of newly established companies with foreign capital in Romania increased, in 2022, by 25.5%, compared to 2021, to 7,368 units, according to the National Trade Registry Office data.

At the end of November 2022, there were 243,720 companies with foreign participation in the share capital. Subscribed capital value was USD 67.245 billion.