New parking fees in Bucharest. 5 lei/hour for all public parking or 30 lei for the whole day

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Public parking spaces in Bucharest | Photo by: Ilona Andrei /

Starting from March 1, 2023, parking in Bucharest costs 5 lei/hour, 30 lei for the whole day and 500 lei/month. These rates are applicable from 08.00 AM to 08:00 PM, every day.

For the use of public parking spaces by residents costs are 50 lei/month and 500 lei/year. In order to get free parking, owners of electric and hybrid cars have to register their car in the Electronic List of electric and hybrid cars.

Parking fees can be paid using prepaid tickets, hourly tickets issued by the parking operator or through the self-charging system (parking meter), SMS or online, using specific platforms and mobile apps.

According to a 2021 report, in Bucharest are 244.342 parking spaces, a whopping almost four fold compared to the next city (Brasov – 65.360 parking spaces). In total, Romania had, in 2021, 1,174,941 public parking places, compared to 1,154,082 in 2020.

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